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APTA Michigan (APTA MI) is a non-profit organization for physical therapy professionals that serves as a component of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
APTA MI exists to strengthen our community within Michigan. We lead the legislative advocacy efforts in our state, while APTA leads the advocacy efforts nationally. APTA MI is composed of four (4) districts that allow for involvement even closer to home. That's in addition to events, professional development activities, and other networking opportunities that put you in touch with peers who understand regional issues.
You must join APTA to join our chapter. Learn more about membership, including information about benefits, dues, and payment plans.
Our Mission

Building a community that advances the profession of physical therapy to optimize the health and movement of all people of Michigan.


Transforming Society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.


100 years ago: 1924 The Third Annual Convention of the American Physiotherapy Association has held in Chicago. Helen Kaiser of Detroit and Flora Mitts of Grand Rapids were in attendance and came back home feeling Michigan should organize. A meeting followed in 1925 at Grace Hospital with Helen King elected chairman. The APA Review listed ten members in Michigan, but there was no formal affiliation between “National” and the Chapter.

75 years ago: 1949 Members reported on the scientific presentations at National Conference: Dr. Rusk advised more emphasis be placed on psychotherapy and less on pathology. Dr. Deaver believed early treatment with emphasis on ambulation was advisable for patients with CVA. Unqualified PTs are a problem that was discussed at the House of Delegates. Chapter Bylaws were revised and accepted to comply with the new APTA Bylaws. An appeal was made for the formation of a nucleus in the Chapter to study the Polio situation and formulate a program of education and recruitment so the Chapter will be cognizant of the needs and try to contact PTs who may be available in an emergency. The Chapter is also looking at City or State licensing or incorporation to protect the PT; incorporation is recommended, with coordination of the Western Chapter and the Eastern Chapter under the entity of the Michigan Physical Therapy Association. Members will be25 assessed $2 each to defray the expenses of incorporation.

50 years ago: 1974 Michigan Chapter, APTA's Newsletter was changed to "Michigan Shorelines" The title was suggested by "Marge Stamm, our hard working President, and is a refreshing change."  Carol Graves was appointed to be the new editor.

45 years ago: 1979 Eastern District Chairman, Alexander Mapleton penned the "Chairman's Message" (See message here) after the House of Delegates passed a proposal to have entry level into PT at a post baccalaureate level by 1990. 

25 years ago: 1999 MPTA President, Janet Downey writes her President's Message in Shorelines: "Start Your Engines!" encouraging members to get involved! (See message here)

Pictured on the Left: Top-Leadership from 1991 Featuring Top Row-Leonard Face, Unknown, Ruth Bedere, Roy Brigman, Phyllis Burton, Dorothy Getz, Margaret Houts; Middle-Paul Cudworth, Chuck Durando, Edna McLauren, Unknown, Judith Blue, Unknown, Geo Anderson; Bottom-Unknown, Eleanor Parmalee, Helen Moore, Unknown, Inez Peacock

Middle: 1982-This picture was taken of the governor signing a proclamation for Physical Therapy week in Michigan. We think it was the first time we had such a proclamation. Dale Fitch, standing on left, was the Chapter President. Go. Milliken is the governor. The lady immediately to the gov's right is Brenda Lowe the Public Information Committee Chair for the Chapter. Janet Downey is on the far right, who had the idea for the proclamation. 

Bottom: 2014 Gov. Synder signs Direct Access bill.

View Historical Timeline
Past APTA Michigan Presidents

Your APTA Michigan Board of Directors is composed of licensed therapists in Michigan who are elected by the members to work on behalf of the members. The Board operates under the direction of the chapter's bylaws (available above).

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan guides our operations and initiatives within the chapter. It is created by your Board of Directors and is updated every three years. The Strategic Plan is composed of five (5) pillars, each of which is listed below. 

Our Groups

The Purpose of Our Districts:

*Regional Networking focused on Advocacy, Education, and Engagement.
*Collaboration with Committees, SIGs, Delegates, and the Board to improve communication and action towards achievement of the Chapter’s Strategic Plan
*Leadership engagement at the chapter and national level to best represent and advocate for members of our districts.

To allow for members to be involved even closer to home. 

Districts Page
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Purpose of Our SIGS:

*SIGs connect you with fellow members who share your interests or career path.
*SIGs can help you grow professionally, network with thought leaders, and stay on top of the latest developments.
*SIGs provide additional resources to help you become a better clinician

SIGs are free to join for all APTA Michigan Members.

Join a SIG
Edward Mathis
Executive Director
Contact Edward
Barb Herzog
Payment Specialist
Contact Barb
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