DEI Committee
APTA Michigan Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

Our hope is that one day the PT profession will be more representative of the populations we serve. In order to promote diversity in Physical Therapy, we have to enhance our efforts to recruit the next generation of minority Physical Therapists.

As members of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee, our focus is to bring greater exposure and opportunity of a career in Physical Therapy to underrepresented students. We have committed to providing an annual $2500 student award to a 2nd year Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant minority student in Michigan. WE ALL can have share in supporting this important initiative.

Please consider making a small donation to APTA Michigan Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Award.

Together we can support our future physical therapists and provide financial assistance with student debt! Let’s “Be the change we wish to see in the world”!

Organizational Plan


The American Physical Therapy Association of Michigan (MPTA) supports physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students who work to optimize the health of all people in our communities.

Our goal is to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the physical therapy profession to mirror the communities we serve.


  1. Increase diversity within MPTA membership, leadership, and the profession with inclusion of all underrepresented groups.
  2. Educate professionals in Michigan to appreciate our similarities, understand our differences to bridge the gap, and create a harmonious partnership when working with various cultural groups.
  3. Promote engagement with PT professionals, students, and prospective students from minority and underrepresented communities in Michigan.
  4. Identify the barriers of social determinants of health that impact the entry into the profession and affect the equity within the profession.

Committee Records:

The committee will use basecamp as a storage site for all committee resources including meeting minutes.

Committee Meetings:

The committee will be at at least twice yearly and communicate electronically in between meetings.

Committee Roles:

Chair/Co-Chairs: Presides over meeting and directs the members and activities of the committee to ensure that it meets the Mission objectives and action plans are being met.

Secretary: Records minutes of meetings and assists in organizing electronic records stored on basecamp.


DEI Leadership:
Chair:Rodney Weir

Action Plan:

  1. Assist the membership team in recruitment and retention of PTs, PTAs, SPTs, and SPTAs of all underrepresented groups to be MPTA members.
  2. Assist in recruiting members of underrepresented groups for leadership roles within the chapter.
  3. Advocate and encourage members of underserved groups to serve on committees including the areas of education, profession development/clinical practice and research.
  4. Increase awareness of physical therapy as a profession for MI citizens in economic and educationally disadvantaged parts of our state and those of minority backgrounds as a choice for care.
  5. Create resources for foreign trained therapist coming to Michigan to practice.
  6. Create resources to educate physical therapists and students on health care disparities among the LGBTQ+ community (history, statistics, why they still persist)
  7. Come up with solutions that can be implemented to make physical therapy experiences more inclusive towards the LGBTQ+ community (more inclusive intake forms, welcoming environment, dialogue, etc.) and improve care; provide resources to help with identifying needs within the community
  8. Engage the Michigan physical therapy community (practicing clinicians and universities) in LGBTQ+ advocacy
  9. Establish a mentorship program for both students and professionals.
  10. Work with APTA’s Minority Affairs division and the Component Member Diversity Committee to increase resources and collaboration at the national membership level


The committee will report to the Board of Directors and the MPTA Vice President will serve as its board contact.


The committee shall consist of at least three members including a chair or co-chairs that are professional members appointed by the Board of Directors.

Other Areas of Emphasis:

  • Social Media
  • Blog/Podcast development
  • Website
  • Community Outreach