Member Awards
APTA Michigan Member Awards

Nominations are accepted year-round but must be received by August 1st for consideration at Annual Conference

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General Awards (Click on Dropdown on the Right for Award Info)


This award has been established to honor Michigan Chapter members who have provided outstanding service for physical therapy in Michigan.


Any member of the APTA Michigan in good standing.

Criteria for Selection:

1. The recipient shall have made outstanding contributions to the field of physical therapy in one or more of the following areas:

A. The Profession of Physical Therapy

    • Education
      • Teaching in any of the following areas: academic, clinical in-service, continuing education
      • Development and implementation of teaching methods
      • Administration of a physical therapy program or a physical therapist assistant program
    • Clinical Research
      • Development of treatment interventions
      • Development of examination or evaluation methods and forms
      • Publication or dissemination of research results
    • Service
      • Patient care: direct, consultative, administrative, or educational
      • Professional health organizations; for example, the Michigan Public Health Association

B. The American Physical Therapy Association or its components

·       Promotion of the organization and its goals

·       Chapter or national elected offices

·       Chapter or national committee memberships or task forces

C. The Community

·       Service, organizations or facilities

·       Local, state or federal government on an elected or voluntary basis

2. Documentation in the support statement(s) should assist the committee in distinguishing exceptionally valuable contributor(s) from those persons who have provided long and continuous service for physical therapy in Michigan.

3. Documentation in the support statement(s) should describe the outstanding contributions(s) and the impact the contribution(s) has had on the profession of physical therapy in Michigan.

4. Curriculum vitae is helpful if available

5. All supporting documentation must be included with the nomination.


Nomination Procedure:
  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominees must be recommended for the award by a APTA Michigan member.
  3. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan office and be received by August 1 via online application.

Nominations must include:

·       Name, address, and telephone number of nominee

·       Present employment of nominee

·       Biographical data can be in the form of a CV

·       Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award

·       Signature of nominator

·       Date

  1. Individuals nominated and not selected may be reconsidered in a subsequent year if they are re-nominated with current information submitted.
  2. Individuals may be granted this award more than one time only if the “outstanding” contribution(s) are subsequent to the initial granting of the award.
Selection and Award:
  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The award will be made on the basis of merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).
  4. No more than one award will be granted yearly. This award will be granted only if nominees with contributions of truly outstanding character are submitted. Therefore the award need not be given every year.

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Online Application


To acknowledge and honor an individual who has distinguished himself/ herself for their individual leadership advocating for the Chapter’s legislative initiatives on behalf of our patients, our professional or our association as exemplified in the professional career of the late Jane Murdock, PT  (1951-2008).

Jane Eileen Ross Murdock, PT was a long time APTA Michigan and APTA member who served our association in many leadership roles over 3 decades.  Jane’s colleagues and patients truly enjoyed working with her; her excellent clinical skills were matched by her legislative knowledge, political savvy and passion to promote physical therapy to the Michigan Legislature.


The nominee must demonstrate and ongoing commitment and engagement in advocacy activities aimed at achieving the Chapter’s Mission and Vision.

  • The nominee’s legislative activities may include local, state or federal involvement as long as that involvement is not in conflict with the Mission or Vision of the APTA Michigan.  The APTA Michigan Awards committee shall determine if the nominee’s activities meet these criteria.
  • The nominee’s legislative activities may include promoting individuals or other organizations that support the Mission and Vision of the APTA Michigan.  The APTA Michigan Awards Committee shall determine if the nominee’s activities meet these criteria.
Nomination Procedure:
  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via online application:
    Nominations must include:

·       Name, address, and telephone number of nominee

·       Present employment of nominee

·       Statement containing documentation of legislative contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award

·       Signature of nominator

·       Date

  1. Individuals nominated and not selected may be reconsidered in a subsequent year if they are re-nominated with current information submitted.


Selection and Award:
  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. This award will be granted only if nominees with contributions of truly outstanding character are submitted. Therefore the award need not be given every year.

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Online Application

Purpose and Criteria for Selection:

This award has been established to honor a person who is not part of the physical therapy profession who has provided outstanding service to the physical therapy profession and whose contribution has been of exceptional and enduring value in education, clinical research, direct patient service and/or community service.

Nomination Procedure:
  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominees must be recommended for the award by a APTA Michigan member.
  3. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via online application

Nominations must include:

    • Name, address, and telephone number of nominee
    • Present employment of nominee
    • Biographical data
    • Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award
    • Signature of nominator
    • Date
  1. Individuals nominated and not selected may be reconsidered in a subsequent year if they are re-nominated with current information submitted.
  2. Individuals may be granted this award more than one time only if the “outstanding” contribution(s) are subsequent to the initial granting of the award.
Selection and Award:
  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee.
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The award will be made on the basis of merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).
  4. No more than one award will be granted yearly. This award will be granted only if nominees with contributions of truly outstanding character are submitted. Therefore the award need not be given every year.
  5. The award will be presented at the annual APTA Michigan Fall Conference by the Awards Committee

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Online Application

Purpose and Criteria for Selection:

This award has been established to honor a Michigan Physical Therapist Assistant member who has provided outstanding service for physical therapy in the State of Michigan. The nominee must be an active member of the Association.

Nomination Procedure:
  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominees must be recommended for the award by a APTA Michigan member.
  3. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via online application

Nominations must include:

    • Name, address, and telephone number of nominee
    • Present employment of nominee
    • Biographical data can be in the form of a CV
    • Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award
    • Signature of nominator
    • Date
  1. Individuals nominated and not selected may be reconsidered in a subsequent year if they are re-nominated with current information submitted.
  2. Individuals may be granted this award more than one time only if the “outstanding” contribution(s) are subsequent to the initial granting of the award.
Selection and Award:
  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The award will be made on the basis of merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).
  4. No more than one award will be granted yearly. This award will be granted only if nominees with contributions of truly outstanding character are submitted. Therefore the award need not be given every year.

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Online Application


These awards have been established to honor Michigan Chapter members who have provided outstanding patient care in an evidence-based practice while fostering a positive work environment.


Outstanding Physical Therapist Award


·       Engaged in direct patient care in the practice of Physical Therapy primarily

·       Membership in APTA Michigan

·       Positively and substantially affected the shape, scope and quality of physical therapy practice (e.g., protocols, clinical practice models, service line development, etc.)

·       Has/had a direct impact on other physical therapists or physical therapist assistants that significantly increased their abilities to practice physical therapy (e.g., clinical instructor, mentor, faculty at Physical Therapy/Assistant program, etc.)

·       Contributed to the overall development of physical therapy as a caring profession (e.g., volunteer for Special Olympics, community education speaker, etc.)

Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant Award


·       Engaged primarily in direct patient care in the practice of Physical Therapy under the direction/supervision of a physical therapist

·       Membership in APTA Michigan

·       Representation and promotion of the role of the PTA through practice and/or education as a part of the PT/PTA team

·       Pursuit of career development through continuing education (Courses, workshops, in-services, etc.)

·       Serves as role model to students, peers and others to perform at or strive to achieve their optimal potential (Clinical Instructor, Mentor, faculty at a Physical Therapy Assistant program, etc.)

·       Service to the community that enhance quality of life and function (e.g., volunteer for Special Olympics, community education speaker, etc.)

Outstanding Physical Therapist/Physical Therapist Assistant Team Award


·       The composition of the team may include one or more Physical Therapists and one or more Physical Therapists Assistants

·       Each team member is engaged primarily in direct patient care in the practice of Physical Therapy

·       Each team member is a member in APTA Michigan

·       Team has worked together as a team in clinical practice in any setting for at least 1 year

·       Team has positively affected the quality and overall delivery of physical therapy care provided to patients/clients as a result of their ability to work as a team

·       Provide a written team protocol that describes the team structure, method of communication, determination of assignments to patients/clients, and method of supervision related to patient/client needs

·       PT/PTA team relationship

o   Is characterized by trust, mutual respect, adaptability, cooperation and an appreciation of individual and cultural differences

o   Involves direction, supervision and effective communication

o   Has been enhanced through mentoring, continuing education and professional development

o   Has had an effect on the delivery of high quality physical therapy services to patients/clients within their practice settings


Nomination Procedure:

  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via online application.

Selection and Award:

  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The award will be made on the basis of merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).


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Online Application




This award has been established to honor Michigan Chapter members who have provided excellence and outstanding contributions in professional or community education.


·       Must be an active member of APTA-MI.

·       PT or PTA members are eligible.

·       Nominee must demonstrate excellence and outstanding contributions in any of the following areas:

o   Didactic

o   Clinical

o   Professional Development

o   Public Outreach Education.

Nomination Procedure:


  1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
  2. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via online application.  
  3. Nominations should include examples of the education provided and how this education is exemplary in achieving the educational goals.


Selection and Award:


  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee.
  2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The award will be made based on merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).

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Online Application

These awards are intended for students who: are in the final year of their professional, curriculum, have a cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.2, are a member of the APTA/APTA Michigan, have demonstrated “outstanding” participation in academic, professional and related community activities.

Each academic program may nominate one student.

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Online Application

This award is given at the President’s discretion to recognize outstanding service by a member of APTA Michigan who demonstrates Exceptional Commitment, Superior Leadership and Tireless Advocacy.  There is no nomination form for this award.



To identify and honor one physical therapist or physical therapist assistant “emerging leader” from each APTA component, who has demonstrated extraordinary service early in his or her physical therapy career. The individual should have made exceptional overall accomplishments and contributions to the American Physical Therapy Association the component, and the physical therapy profession to advance APTA’s vision.



1. The nominee must be a current member of APTA for at least five years and no more than ten years from formal graduation.

2. The nominee must have current or prior service on one or more appointed or elected groups at the component or national level.


Criteria for Selection:

One “emerging leader” from each component will be recognized annually, provided the component has submitted a nomination using the procedures outlined below. The following information must be provided in the submission letter:

1. A description of the nominee’s contributions.

2. Examples of demonstrated service to the Association, component, or physical therapy profession.

3. Explanation of the potential for future contributions to APTA and the physical therapy profession.

4. Examples of how the nominee has advanced activities at the component level.


The nomination should include a description of the outcome of the contributions and how the contributions align with the component or APTA goals, objectives, and vision.


Procedure for Nomination:

1. The component president or their respective awards committee chair is responsible for submitting the name of the nominee and supporting information to APTA’s Member Engagement Department.

2. Nominations must be received by May 15 for recognition in the fall of the same year.

3. The materials submitted for the nomination shall include the following:

• _A detailed nomination letter addressing the criteria for selection.

• _A copy of the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae.

4. Send all materials to: APTA Emerging Leader Award, Member Engagement Department, 3030 Potomac Avenue, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22305-3085.


Notification of Award:

1. APTA’s Member Engagement Department will notify those selected as emerging leaders in July. Recognized individuals will receive a congratulatory letter from APTA’s President and a certificate of recognition.

2. Emerging leaders will be recognized in the September issue of APTA Magazine as part of a short overall descriptive article about the Emerging Leader Award that will include the name, affiliation, city, state and nominating component of each emerging leader selected.


APTA Michigan Clinical Education Consortium SIG Awards 

Please note that these awards have an application date of June 1st


To acknowledge individuals who have made significant contributions to physical therapy clinical education through excellence in coordination of clinical teaching.


Nominees must be a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA) who has been actively engaged in the coordination of clinical education for at least 2 years.    Nominees must be a Site Coordinator of Clinical Education (SCCE) that affiliates with a Michigan PT or PTA education program.    Nominees must supervise clinical instructors who work directly with students from accredited PT or PTA programs.  PT/PTA recipients of the award must be members of the APTA Michigan/APTA.

Procedure for Nomination:

Any individual, clinically, or academically based, with knowledge of the SCCE’s abilities to coordinate clinical education activities and supervise and teach clinical instructors may submit nominations for the award. The nomination form included below in our file library. 

The deadline for the receipt of the nomination form and the supporting documents is June 1. See link below to apply online.

Criteria for Selection:

Evidence of the nominee’s exceptional abilities as a SCCE, as outlined above, and the nominee’s excellence as a role model in clinical education.

Presentation of the Award:

The award, in the form of a plaque, will be presented to the awardee(s) at the APTA Michigan Annual Conference Awards Ceremony. Recipients will be recognized in “Shorelines”.

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Online Application

The Cindy Kincaid Outstanding CI Award provides recognition and encouragement to clinical instructors who have demonstrated exceptional skills in teaching, communication, interpersonal relationships, professional competence, mentoring, modeling, and professionalism.

The nominated PT or PTA must have supervised a full time student, be licensed in Michigan and be an APTA/APTA Michigan member. The nomination must be initiated by a student in their final year of a PT or PTA program; forms are available by contacting the ACCE/DCE of the student’s academic program or on the APTA Michigan website under Resources/Awards.  

See link to apply online by June 1st.

Please answer the following three questions regarding your Clinical Instructor and submit below in PDF format:

1.    Why are you recommending this Clinical Instructor for this award? Please be specific, citing examples to differentiate this outstanding CI from others. Refer to the APTA Guidelines if needed If possible, refer to specific examples of your CI’s behaviors from any of the following areas: Mentoring, Modeling, Clinical Competence, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Teaching Instructional Skills, Supervisory and Evaluation Skills, Professionalism.


2.    Please comment on creative or innovative techniques used by your CI to promote student growth and professional independence.


3.    Please comment on any other characteristics your CI possesses that might be helpful in the selection process.


Nominations will be reviewed by the Award committee and the award decision will be made on the basis of merit.

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Online Application

APTA Michigan Institute for Education and Research Awards


The Richard E. Darnell Award was developed to acknowledge significant contributions in the area of research.

Criteria for Selection:

    1. The awardee must be an active member of the APTA Michigan.
    2. The awardee must have an established record of peer-reviewed published clinical research.
    3. The awardee must have served as a resource and/or consultant to others on clinical research methodology.
    4. The awardee must have contributed to the dissemination of information on how to conduct clinical research.

Nomination Procedure:

  1. Nominations must be received by August 1st via online application.
  1. Nominations must include:

·       Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and APTA/APTA Michigan membership number of nominee

·       Present employment of nominee

·       Biographical data

·       Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award

·       Signature of nominator

·       Date

Selection and Award:

  1. One award will be presented on an annual basis.
  2. The award will be presented at the annual APTA Michigan Annual Conference by one of the Institute trustees.

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Online Application


The Mabel E. Holton Award was developed to acknowledge achievement in scholarly publication in the field of physical therapy.

Criteria for Selection:

    1. The scholarly work must be a recent peer-reviewed publication (within the past 2 years) completed by a Physical Therapist (PT), Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), or PT/PTA student who is a member of the APTA Michigan.
    2. The work must be directed toward understanding the art or science of Physical Therapy practice problems.

Nomination Procedure:

  1. Nominations must be received by August 1st via online application.
  1. Nominations must include:
    • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and APTA/APTA Michigan membership number of primary author
    • Present employment of primary author
    • Biographical data
    • Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the primary author for this award
    • One copy of the scholarly work
    • Signature of nominator
    • Date

Selection and Award:

  1. One award will be presented on an annual basis.
  2. The award will be presented at the annual APTA Michigan Annual Conference by one of the Institute trustees.
  3. The award is given to acknowledge the scholarly work. The primary author will receive a plaque, and secondary authors will receive certificates.

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Online Application


APTA Michigan Oncology Rehabilitation SIG Award


To acknowledge individuals who have made significant contributions to the physical therapy profession through excellence in oncology rehabilitation. The inspiration for this award has been the career of Deborah Doherty whose advocacy for the advancement of oncology rehabilitation brought about the formation of the Oncology Rehab SIG. This award was created to continually remember those contributions in order to keep pursuing advocacy for patients with a cancer diagnosis or a history of cancer diagnosis.


  1. Must be an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association and the APTA Michigan.
  2. Must have a minimum of two years of work as a PT or PTA.
  3. Must demonstrate active and current engagement in one or more of the following areas: clinical care, education, research, or professional advocacy in oncology rehabilitation.
Procedure for Nomination:
    1. A nomination form and criteria will be made available to the membership each year.
    2. Nominees must be recommended for the award by a APTA Michigan member.
    3. Nominations must be submitted to the APTA Michigan Office and be received by August 1 via the online form below.
    4. Nominations must include the following combined into one PDF:
      • Name, address, and telephone number of nominee
      • Present employment of nominee
      • Biographical data
      • Statement containing documentation of contributions and their impact on physical therapy in Michigan which qualifies the nominee for this award
      • Signature of nominator
      • Date
    5. Individuals nominated and not selected may be reconsidered in a subsequent year if they are re-nominated with current information submitted.
    6. Individuals may be granted this award more than one time only if the “outstanding” contribution(s) are subsequent to the initial granting of the award.
Selection and Award:
    1. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee.
    2. The Awards Committee will submit a final recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.
    3. The award will be made on the basis of merit alone and the decision of the committee will be based on the documentation received in the nomination(s).
    4. No more than one award will be granted yearly. This award will be granted only if nominees with contributions of truly outstanding character are submitted. Therefore the award need not be given every year.
    5. The award will be presented by the Oncology Rehab SIG

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