Pain SIG
About the Pain SIG:

Welcome to the APTA Michigan Pain Special Interest Group (SIG):
The APTA Michigan Pain SIG is the nation’s first state chapter pain SIG. It was created to promote excellence in pain education, treatment, and research and to improve the knowledge base and skill of physical therapy professionals in Michigan in the treatment of persons in pain. And to change the common cultural understanding of pain to further the goal of decreasing the burden of persistent pain in our state.

SIG Leadership:
Chair: Sarah Case, PT, DSc
Secretary: Lindsey Fox PT, DPT
Communications Director: Angela VanNostrand, PT, DPT
Membership Director: Daniel Ratkov, PT, DPT



Check out our latest downloadable free patient resources:
Unhelpful Language
Prevalence Injury Findings in Asymptomatics
Improve Your Sleep

Frequently Asked Questions
  •  Anyone who is interested in the field of pain or works with individuals in pain is welcome to join. There is no additional cost aside from your membership with the APTA, Michigan. If you are not an APTA, Michigan member but still want to receive relevant content, please consider joining our Facebook Group!
Click Here

We are always looking for individuals interested in volunteering and becoming more involved. Please contact someone on the leadership team to discuss the options we currently have available.

Although there is no true standardized test or course that deems one a “pain expert” it’s important to know who is well versed with the updated evidence surrounding the field of pain. At this time, if you are interested in referring someone to an individual who specializes in pain, we recommend that you either network with the Pain SIG leadership team, or post your search on our Facebook Group.

All licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants are required to obtain at least 1 PDR associated with pain management and treatment each renewal cycle. This topic is very vague and under the discretion of the individual offering the course and/or any auditor reviewing the courses. To help anyone who is looking to fulfill their 1 PDR of pain credit, we have posted several course offerings all directed at pain treatment and symptom management, and we plan on hosting courses ourselves throughout the year.

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